Songs For Your Day

This Tornado Loves you. by Laura Relyea

So I started another band. We’re calling ourselves LaVista. I’ll leave it up to you as to why that is our name, and trust that your imagination will be much more colorful than our true reasoning. We’re about a month into the project and things are coming along rather smoothly. We’ve got a solid song under our belt, and four on the way, which is not shabby for a fledgling band. We’ve agreed to wait to play shows until we have a solid set under our belt. Tyler and I want to do this right.

Tyler insists that I do the most of the singing, which is fine I guess, as long as eventually I figure out how to rock out standing with an autoharp. But that leaves me with a lot to think about. In the past I had a wurlitzer to sit and hide behind, and Gavin took the singing reigns predominantly. So, I spent weeks of idle time in the previous weeks scanning through live videos of my favorite female lead singers trying to figure out what kind of performances really inspired me.

Then I made this list: (keep in mind, these are my favorite musicians, I’m trying to think of what kind of image I could harness, this is in no way derogatory).

St. Vincent: too bird-like.

My Brightest Diamond: too spooky.

CatPower: too smoker-voice.

Camera Obscura: too child-like

Heart: too epic

Amy Winehouse: a bit too much overall

Asobi Seksu: too inaudible

Bat for Lashes: too dreary

Postmarks: too whimsical

She and Him: too sixties pop

Rainer Maria: too cool

Yeah Yeah Yeah’s: too female David Bowie.

Duke Spirit: hmm…getting there.

And then I came across Neko Case on Austin City limits. With her fiery hair and huge voice, she never fails to blow me away. Lyrically she is also brilliant. Simultaneously barbaric and feminine:

“My love I am the speed of sound, I left them motherless, fatherless. Their souls dangling inside-out from their mouths, but it’s never enough…I want you. Carved your name across three counties, ground it in with bloody hides, their broken necks will line the ditch until you stop it, stop this madness. I want you.”

And that dark, rustic, americana sound is something that not only lends itself to the autoharp, but is something that vocally, I am totally capable of. That’s what I’m going to go for,  but in my own way. Let’s see how it goes.

Watch Neko Case rock your socks off here.

1 Comment so far
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“Amy Winehouse: a bit too much overall”

i laughed. hard.

Comment by cenewgent

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