Songs For Your Day

Last Goodbye by Laura Relyea

Two very important things happened to me when I was seventeen:

1. Jeff Buckley

2. My heart was broken for the first time.

Jeff Buckley happened first, thankfully. Otherwise I’m not sure how I would have salvaged myself from the emotional turmoil that is teenage heartbreak. “Grace” and “Sketches of My Sweetheart the Drunk,” found themselves in endless rotation driving to and from school. Mr. Buckley successfully carried me through all of the stages of mourning. At first it was “Lover You Should Have Come Over” that I clung to. But then my wounds started to close and the pain evolved into a muted anger, which is when I almost wore out “The Sky is a Landfill.” Quiet mourning progressed me to “Opened Once” and “Morning Theft.” By the time the year was coming to a close I had finally made it to “Last Goodbye.”

The song is a sigh of relief. It’s like a playful whisper in your ear: “It’s over now. You’re better.”

**You can thank itunes shuffle for bringing all of these memories to surface again.